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What type of baseball league is West El Paso Baseball? |
West El Paso Baseball is youth pitching machine baseball league out of Colorado Springs. Designed for ballplayers ages 6-8,
this league makes use of a Pitching Machine allows for more hittable balls at the plate and more action in the field while
decreasing the fear of actually being hit by a pitched ball is diminished. It makes the game safer and improves the playing
confidence and ability of all participants. We are dedicated to promoting good sportsmanship and fundamental baseball to all
surrounding Front Range communities (no boundaries) while creating an opportunity to play organized baseball during the warm
summer months. All kids age 6 to 8 are welcome. Players age 8-15 should
register through Colorado
Springs Summer Baseball.
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When do registrations for the summer baseball season begin? |
On-line and mail-in registrations begin on March 1st and continue until May 9th. Fill-in registrations continue
after that time as needed. These will be
announced on the website and in the Gazette sports announcements.
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How do I register? |
On-line on the website at www.westelpasobaseball.com    TOP OF PAGE _________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
What are the boundaries? |
One of the great thing about West El Paso Baseball is that there are no boundaries, so we welcome any child that wants to play summer baseball.
Our league provides summer baseball to all of Colorado
Springs and the surrounding areas. Last year we had players from a variety of locations, including Woodland Park, Manitou Springs,
Monument, Falcon, Peyton, and Fountain. We are proud to offer our league to such a wide and diverse range of communities.
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Can I sign up to play with a friend or group friends? |
Players can sign up to play in the league alone, with a friend, or with a group of friends. The league has seen teams from
Colorado Springs, Academy, Tri-Lakes, & High Plains Little Leagues, as well as Divide, Woodland Park and Manitou Springs.
The league aims to keep players with their school and neighborhood friends whenever possible but players may not be assigned to a
team or area where they live. However, the league will work out the best possible solution for all involved.
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What are the age divisions? |
NOTE: Age as of August 31, 2025 Rookies: Ages 6, 7 & 8 Machine pitch, hard baseball division A faster, more exciting, no walks, high-scoring game    TOP OF PAGE |
What is the cost? |
Rookies: $155 West El Paso Baseball accepts both online payments and checks as forms of payment. If you choose to register online, please note that payment must be received by the league within 3 days of registration. Failure to submit payment within this time frame will result in your player being placed on a free agent list. It is important to note that paid participants will be put on a roster before someone that has signed up but has not paid. Additionally, please keep in mind that a $25 late fee will apply to registrations received after May 9th.    TOP OF PAGE _________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
May I get a refund if we decide not to play? |
There are NO REFUNDS after April 1st. Exceptions are season-ending
injuries. Refunds in this situation will be pro-rated (plus $60 to cover administration fees, insurance fees,
and cost of shirt and hat).
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What forms of payment do you have? |
West El Paso Baseball now accepts all major credit cards through our secure online payment processing.
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What is included with the fee? |
Your player will receive a dri-fit shirt and a MiLB baseball cap, play on great baseball fields, and WARM Summer Baseball Weather!!!
Each coach/team chooses the rest of the uniform (pant color, socks, etc.).
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How are players placed on teams? |
Players are usually placed according to their respective areas, but there is always a chance that some players may be placed in
other areas. Although player and coach requests are welcome, it is not guaranteed that they will be accomodated, except for cases
where the request is due to family relationships.
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Do you have tryouts? |
West El Paso Baseball does not have tryouts.
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When are teams announced? |
You will be contacted by your coach by May 17th.
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Where are practices? |
Each coach decides where and when practices are held, and how many per week. The league doesn't provide
fields for practice.
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What equipment do I need to provide for my child? |
The league provides:
You must provide:
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How many games will be played? |
Teams will play 12 games plus an end-of-season single elimination West El Paso Baseball Tournament.
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Do you have a tournament at the end of the regular season? |
West El Paso Baseball conducts an end-of-season tournament for the Rookies Division. The tournament offers individual awards
for 1st and 2nd place finishers. The tournament will commence once all the regular season games are completed.
The tournament dates are scheduled for July 26th & 27th.
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How long is the season? |
Teams can start practicing as soon as they are announced. The games for the season will start around June 2nd and are scheduled
to continue through July 24th. The end-of-season tournament is set to run from July 26th to July 27th.
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Practice Information: Where, when, times, how many? |
The coach will be responsible for determining the dates, location, times, duration, and the number of weekly practices. Generally,
there are more practices held before the season begins. During the season, the number of practices per week can vary
between 1-2, in addition to weekly games.
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What days will games be played? |
The game schedule varies and will not be posted until the week before the season starts. Most likely, all teams
will have at least one weeknight game and/or one Saturday or Sunday game, although some Saturdays there may be a chance of
a double-header, weather permitting. There might be some weeks where
teams will have to play more games due to make-up games from rain-outs.
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What time will games be played? |
All weekday games are played at 5:30PM. Weekend game schedule 8:00AM, 9:30AM, or 11:00AM
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How long does each game last? |
Rookies games last approximately 1-1/2 hours
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Where are games held? |
All Rookies Division games will be held at El Pomar Youth Sports Park,2230 Executive Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 or at
Cheyenne Mountain High School.
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I've signed up.........now what? |
If you have signed up and paid, then you are registered. You will receive a call from your coach around May 15th.
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What if the weather looks bad? Who do I call? |
We encourage coaches to notify their players as soon as games are cancelled. Coaches or Managers please
call our voicemail at 719-648-5171 for the latest updates for weather conditions. The website home page will also be updated,
Never assume games are cancelled without checking with your coach, the website, or the Colorado Springs Summer Baseball
Facebook page. Weather in Colorado Springs can change quickly!
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Rain delays & rainouts... what happens? |
Weekday games are allowed a 30-45 minute window for rain delays. Weekend games: It will be a game-by-game decision by league officials. There is a good chance that an early game could be cancelled but not the later game, and vice-versa. The league will make every attempt to reschedule rainouts. The makeup game will be rescheduled 6-7 days after the rainout, unless both coaches agree on an earlier date. If coaches don't agree on a makeup date given by the league, it will be a forfeit. Make-up dates are Sunday of the following week after a rainout - no exceptions. No rainouts will be rescheduled after July 7th.    TOP OF PAGE _________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
League's playing rules |
Rookies Playing Rules
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How do I volunteer to be a coach? |
Fill out the Coach Volunteer Form or contact Jorge Lacayo at 719-648-5171.
All volunteers are subject to a background check.
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How can I support a team? |
Team Entry/Advertisement - each team is required to have a team entry/advertisement. The cost is only $200 - $300.
For $300, the sponsor will receive a plaque, and logo or name (block letters) on back of jerseys.
For $200, sponsor will receive name in block letters on back of jerseys. All sponsor
information must be turned into the league by May 15th. Click here for details. Please contact league by email at wepb@comcast.net for more information.    TOP OF PAGE _________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Umpires Needed! Great Job for Summer and Fall! |
WE WANT YOU!!! EXPERIENCED and NEW UMPIRES WANTED!!! Great summer and fall job. We train new umpires, must be 15 y/o or older, please call 719-648-5171 or email pikespeaksportsofficials@gmail.com for additional information.    TOP OF PAGE _________________________________________________________________________________________________ |